Thursday, December 27, 2007

"His Principle of Peace Was Bogus"

Fifty-two years ago, on Jan. 30, 1948, Mohandas Gandhi was shot dead byNathuram Godse, a Hindu extremist. Godse believed that the Mahatma, or greatsoul, was responsible for the 1947 partition of India and the creation ofPakistan. Godse and his friend Narayan Apte were hanged. His brother Gopaland two others were sentenced to life imprisonment for their part in theconspiracy. Gopal Godse remained in jail for 18 years and now, at 80, liveswith his wife in a small apartment in Pune. He is still proud of his role inthe murder. Although Godse is largely ignored in India and rarely talks to Ganguly

TIME: What happened in January 1948?
Godse: On Jan. 20, Madanlal Pahwa exploded a bomb at Gandhi's prayer meeting in Delhi. It was 50 m away from Gandhi. [The other conspirators] all ran away from the place. Madanlal was caught there. Then there was a tension in our minds that we had to finish the task before the police caught us. Then Nathuram [Gopal's brother] took it on himself to do the thing. We only wanted destiny to help us -- meaning we should not be caught on the spot before he acted.
TIME: Why did you want to kill Gandhi?
Godse: Gandhi was a hypocrite. Even after the massacre of the Hindus by the Muslims, he was happy. The more the massacres of the Hindus, the taller his flag of secularism.
TIME: Did you ever see Gandhi?
Godse: Yes.
TIME: Did you attend his meetings?
Godse: Yes.
TIME: Can you explain how he created his mass following?
Godse: The credit goes to him for maneuvering the media. He captured thepress. That was essential. How Gandhi walked, when he smiled, how he waved-- all these minor details that the people did not require were imposed upon them to create an atmosphere around Gandhi. And the more ignorant the masses, the more popular was Gandhi. So they always tried to keep the masses ignorant.
TIME: But surely it takes more than good publicity to create a Gandhi?
Godse: There is another thing. Generally in the Indian masses, people are attracted toward saintism. Gandhi was shrewd to use his saintdom for politics. After his death the government used him. The government knew that he was an enemy of Hindus, but they wanted to show that he was a staunch Hindu. So the first act they did was to put "Hey Ram" into Gandhi's dead mouth.
TIME: You mean that he did not say "Hey Ram" as he died?
Godse: No, he did not say it. You see, it was an automatic pistol. It had a magazine for nine bullets but there were actually seven at that time. And once you pull the trigger, within a second, all the seven bullets had passed. When these bullets pass through crucial points like the heart,consciousness is finished. You have no strength.When Nathuram saw Gandhi was coming, he took out the pistol and folded hishands with the pistol inside it. There was one girl very close to Gandhi. He feared that he would hurt the girl. So he went forward and with his left hand pushed her aside and shot. It happened within one second. You see,there was a film and some Kingsley fellow had acted as Gandhi. Someone asked me whether Gandhi said, "Hey Ram." I said Kingsley did say it. But Gandhi did not. Because that was not a drama.
TIME: Many people think Gandhi deserved to be nominated TIME's Person of theCentury. [He was one of two runners-up, after Albert Einstein.]
Godse: I name him the most cruel person for Hindus in India. The most cruelperson! That is how I term him.
TIME: Is that why Gandhi had to die?
Godse: Yes. For months he was advising Hindus that they must never be angry with the Muslims. What sort of ahimsa (non-violence) is this? His principleof peace was bogus. In any free country, a person like him would be shotdead officially because he was encouraging the Muslims to kill Hindus.
TIME: But his philosophy was of turning the other cheek. He felt one person had to stop the cycle of violence...
Godse: The world does not work that way.
TIME: Is there anything that you admire about Gandhi?
Godse: Firstly, the mass awakening that Gandhi did. In our school daysGandhi was our idol. Secondly, he removed the fear of prison. He said it is different to go into prison for a theft and different to go in for satyagraha (civil disobedience). As youngsters, we had our enthusiasm, but we needed some channel. We took Gandhi to be our channel. We don't repent for that.
TIME: Did you not admire his principles of non-violence?
Godse: Non-violence is not a principle at all. He did not follow it. In politics you cannot follow non-violence. You cannot follow honesty. Every moment, you have to give a lie. Every moment you have to take a bullet in hand and kill someone. Why was he proved to be a hypocrite? Because he was in politics with his so-called principles. Is his non-violence followed anywhere? Not in the least. Nowhere.
TIME: What was the most difficult thing about killing Gandhi?
Godse: The greatest hurdle before us was not that of giving up our lives or going to the gallows. It was that we would be condemned both by the government and by the public. Because the public had been kept in the dark about what harm Gandhi had done to the nation. How he had fooled them!
TIME: Did the people condemn you?
Godse: Yes. People in general did. Because they had been kept ignorant.

Now that interview would surely be annoying to the people who take Gandhi to be a Mahathma.. I dont say everything what Godse said in that interview was correct but he has also got a point there.. No one can be good in politics..That is true..Gandhi is no exception..Face the truth.

This makes one thing clear.The history that we have been taught in the school is all manipulated and mostly untrue. Take for instance the Taj Mahal, my history teacher taught me that it was built by Shahjahan but there is a controversy that it was an Hindu temple that was abducted by Shahjahan.[ ] I was never told about this in the class.. So, one of the seven wonders of the world itself has a confused history. Another good example is Veerapandiya Kattabomman...He is being celebrated as a freedom fighter but another school of thought says that Kattabomman for a very arrongant king who was a rapist and he was made a great man only because he was killed by the British for refusing to pay the taxes.

But take the European countries..They all have a very strong history and there are no such controversies.. If Alexander is gay he stays gay in the records.. Its not manipulated.. But lets not get into the Constantine era... They could be manipulated... Manipulation exists in European history but the scale is very small when compared to ours.Gandhi is also one such manipulated concept.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jai Moditva

I would rather support Modi's intentions

From a RSS cadet to a chief minister,Modi has come a long way. Modi's stature has grown to an extent that he is considered to be a strong candidate for the PM's chair in the future...A very powerful mass leader in Modi and come through leaps and bounds during his tenure as CM of Gujarat.From the Gujarat earthquake to the Godhra riots, he s seen it all.He is hardcore Pro- Hindu and his hatred towards the muslims is well known.Modi has intelligently crafted his way up and is clevery using establishing his image. From the new make over and the mannerism he's done a wonderful job to make the people feel he's one among.

Modi has always been eyed as a politician with a negative shade. Its people like him and Bal Thakrey who strive to protect the Hindu community and its culture. In a Hindu country like India a man who openly supports the Hindus and is biased towards is considered a bad man what would you call these muslim leaders then???The vote banks is the mantra here.But they fail to realise that we are putting the Indian culture, which is primarily based in Hindu traditions, to a very precarious position..The others relegions which are called minorities are focussing on expanding their hold by increasing their population in the country. Relegions involve in acts like conversion propaganda and stuff like giving birth to more no. of babies to increase the head count.We call ourselves secular but a Muslim or a christian enjoys more privilages than a Hindu who is a native of this land. For example a Muslim gets many subsidaries for his pilgrimage to Mecca.. What does a Hindu get for his trip to Kasi or Rishikesh??? Why is Kashmir still treated differentlly from the other states in the country??? Its people like Modi who keep raising voices on behalf of Hindus and I would call it completely correct on his part and on the part of the Hindus. Its told that if the same rate continues, in about 15 years India would have 50 % of Muslims in its population. This says that India is not too far from being named a Muslim nation just like what Malasyia did a few days back..

P.S - My opinion has nothing to do with the caste i belong to... But just think about our Psuedo- secularistic attitude...the quota system,the special minority privilages etc... The government just means to say that if i belong to a mojority community am all well???

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Back to the caves

Where are we heading to and Why so fast???What is it that we strive to acheive?We are heading nowhere..maybe a step closer to death.But why do we want to rush on things when there is plenty of time.Why set deadlines and pressurize ourselves.I dont really understand.Why cant we take it slow and steady. This fast paced life is a by-product of industrialisation.The last 150 years have seen tremendous growth in the history of mankind.The technology has grown to levels that we almost have triggred our own extinction.All this pollution and stuff has led to talks about global warming.But why this transformation and for what?Do we really want this life style?NOT AT ALL.Pre industrial era saw people leading a very peaceful and contented life without all this technology and no one felt any stress at all.But these days how many people have we heard have died of stress.But nobody to blame expect for us.We did this to ourselves. Technology is supposed to make man's life easy but instead its the other way around.And we are not just looking at constructive techology but descructive technology too.Do we really need nuclear bombs or space expeditions?They are the primary elementsto have triggered global warming.

Is there a timemachine which can take me to the stonage???

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Indian Democratic or bureaucratic??

Is India really democratic???Its certainly bureaucratic.The people who rule make the rules.They are actually supposed to be membrs nominated by us who are actually one among us.Eventhough they seem like bein approachable and stuff they r always one step above a normal man walking the streets today.

I really dont understand for whos benefit r certain laws being changed.A normal man has no say in the amendments or a new law .But a powerful business man can get it changed accordin 2 their will. Money speaks louder than words.!!

Take for instance the HELMET rule,who suffered the most?Not the one who created the law.He would be commuting by car.Helmet or no helmet nothing matters for him.But it is the middle class who is affected,you make helmet compulsory,people throng the shops and get the helmets and one week after the implementation no one cares if you are wearing the helmet.Now a guy who earns a nominal salary walks on a tight rope every month.Think of his position when he has to shell out an extra 300 bucks for the helmet.The authorties do not consider all this.They just wanna impose it.The only guy who benefitted by tis was the helmet company.Sometimes i just think it was an arrangement of the helmet manufacturers to boost up their sales.These guys have made a hell a lot of fortune in the last 2 months.

But who is the government to impose something like a helmet to be compulsary????Democracy means for the people by the people and to the people....i don see any of these three happening.Sometimes i just feel so helpless.You see that something very wrong is happening and you can do nothin about it.We jus keep screaming "YOUTH IN POLITICS" but in today's situation a 45 yr old is considered to be a young politician.

Average age of UK s cabinet is 49.Number of ministers under the age of 40 are 5 and ministers above 60 is only one.But India,u can easily make out the difference.The majority of our cabinet ministers are in their late 70's or early 80's.Our youngest MP is 38 years old.Now dont talk experience.You can have experience but need energy to execute stuff.

But it is virtually impossible for a normal youngster to enter politcs and make it big overnight.It would literally take decades for him to wrk his way to the top.But by then he would be in his 70's.India's politics is structured in such a way that a youngster can make it big early if he has the backing.Take for example the Congress government ,Jyotiraditya M. Scindia is a young MP in his 30s but he is the son of the former congressman Madhavarao Scindia and belongs to the royal family.Dayanidhi Maran,the former IT minister is the grandson of Karunanidhi.How else can a young man reach such a position so early in life.

U cant change the system...The system ll change you....YOU HAVE TO BE CORRUPT TO BE A POLITICIAN-thats the mantra
Got to live with other go

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Am i an aethestist???!!!!I really dont know, but i ve got a lotta questions in my mind which remains unanswered.If what our mythological stories indicate are true then GOD should roam about in our own streets today.I dont see him anywhre around here.Now people can argue tat he s a supreme power who guards anything and evrything.But if he s a supreme power let him be.If he can walk the earth then why not now?Pollution or Population?If at all GOD exists what does he care for?He would just sit there under a snake and watch people die of natural calamities and terrorists activities?If he has really got the powers which most of u people claim he has why not stop these calmaities and save people's lives.He s here jus 2 create is it????

I believe GOD is just a concept created to keep this society under control and have ethics in the society.But as the years went by the concept got misinterpreted completely or intentionally tampered for personal and commercial gains. Look at the kind of business these temples make. Take for example Tirupathi, the concept there is people help God pay away is debt by dropping their offeringsThese are just ways of making money.Does anyone about think all this before droppin money in the hundial?God is here to help us,thats th ocncept not the other way around.We dont help God..For godsakes he s God.He can pay away his debts. And if i ask ofr logical reasons for this people say am ignorant.

Am happy to be so ignorant...

Ignorance is bliss

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Wild imagination

Jus imagine life in the reverse chronology.....
First u roam arnd the earth a ZOMBIE

U r then given life and u r a 90 yr old

Jus live thro oldage and as u go on gain more strngth...ur age goes in the ascendin order...

At 58 ur retirement gets over....u gotta go 2 wrk

U wrk and wrk and wrk
and by 21 u go 2 college

3 or 4 yrs of college....

ten its 2 school....

ten as a baby

and u finally end up in a WOMB

Wldnt tat be gr8 2 finish off all responbilties and enjoy life in the latter stage with active and good health.....

JUS imagine

Well my first post

Am new to the bloggin world.....just wondered what this bloggin is all about.
